Thursday, August 12, 2010

Paperspring $50 Gift Credit - Wisconsin Mommy - Ends 8/25

I am really partial to paper supplies. Who doesn't need to send a note out at least a couple times a year? Those cheap 8 for $1 note cards at JoAnn's or Michaels do the job, but when you send something on nicer stationary, well, it means something and it says something in a way that those cheap cards do not.

I just got my Pear Tree Geetings cards in the mail. I love the quality of the paper. It is heavy and ultra smooth. It is elegant, just the way I like the paper on my note cards. I am so hoping I win this gift card because I want to see what Paperspring has to offer.

Wisconsin Mommy is having a Paperspring giveaway. Click here to enter.

PS-I have to compliment Wisconsin Mommy on a very appropriate blog design. I am a Wisconsin Mommy myself, and I am not native to the midwest or Wisconsin at all. Wisconsin is not a busy, gaudy or presumptuous place so her blog layout really reflects the feel of Wisconsin. Nice job!


  1. Thanks so much for your kind words! We sound like we have a lot in common as I am not a WI native either but do love the wholesome more-relaxed vibe of the mid-West. Where are you from originally?
